Joint Problems:
Shoulder Pain?

Suffering from shoulder pain or pain in the upper back and shoulder blade is very common. This is a condition that can limit any number of activities from working on a computer, golfing or even biking. The shoulder is a very unique region due to the great amount of movement that happens here. This is possible because the actual shoulder joint itself is not a tight fit like many other joints in the body. Instead, muscles surrounding the joint (called the rotator cuff), provide a great amount of movement as well as stabilizing this joint.
During the many activities of our daily lives, these muscles can become tight and fail to work properly. This leads to weakness, pain and limited movement causing the shoulder and shoulder blade to become unstable.
A revolutionary technique called Active Release Technique (ART) is a hands on method designed to target tight soft tissues, restore their function, and evaluate whether or not your shoulder may need further medical care. Many elite and professional sports organizations have used ART extensively for improved recoverytimes, injury prevention and performance enhancement.
Ankle Problems?

How many of us have sprained an ankle during our life? Statistics say most of us have. In fact, ankle sprains account for 15-20% of all sport injuries. It is not unusual to see this unresolved problem lead to other imbalances throughout the lower extremity and spinal column which is why it is imperative to treat an ankle injury properly. Ice and other therapies can help in the reduction of the pain and swelling. If treated professionally, this is followed with flexibility, strength, and sensory training.
Unfortunately, studies have shown that up to 40% of these injuries become chronic and reoccurring even with treatment. With our continued study and advancement in sports science, we now know that the lateral and sometimes anterior leg muscles are injured even before the ligament becomes stretched or torn. The good news is the muscles heal quickly. The bad news is that they heal with scar tissue, which makes it difficult to strengthen. While therapy is often necessary in rehabilitating an ankle, one cannot truly strengthen the muscles until the scar tissue and adhesions are removed by using ART. It is also necessary to perform ART on ligaments since then tend to heal slowly since they are often not located near a blood supply.
An advanced sports injury treatment called Active Release (ART) can effectively correct these problems with unparallel speed. Active Release (ART) involves a precise manipulation of the injured soft tissues while we move and stretch the involved muscle through carefully orchestrated motions unique to each muscle injured. This technique allows the doctor to find the exact location of the tissue and adhesions and reactivate the muscles.
Many top athletes such as skaters need to have their ankles taped due to chronic ankle sprains. The same taping was not necessary after the ART treatments due to the increased stability and muscle strength of the ankle since the scar tissue and adhesions have been addressed.
The great news about ART is the quick results that ART provides. Generally, after one treatment, there should be a greater sense of stability in the ankle. Usually 2-6 treatments will resolve the injury allowing for strength exercises to become effective. Additionally, no matter how long ago the actual injury took place, ankles treated with ART responds just as quickly as if it were a recent injury.
Elbow Injuries
Conditions involving the elbow are most commonly termed lateral or medial epicondylitis. This refers to the area of the elbow where the muscles of the forearm originate from. Specifically, the muscles of the wrist that cause extension (related to the outside portion of the elbow – lateral epicondyitis) or the muscles of the wrist that cause flexion (related to the inside portion of the elbow – medial epicondyitis). The –itis at the end of the word refers to the inflammation due to injuries that can be attributed to the kind of repetitious movements caused by typing, working with tools or heavy machinery, recreational tasks such as tennis, golf, poling during cross country skiing or snowshoeing, weight lifting, etc.
The chronic or long lasting nature of these injuries is due to the fibrobotic/scar tissue that persists after the inflammatory stage and constitutes healing. Stretching and strengthening exercises are often prescribed to alleviate this condition, however, with little affect because of the scar tissue that is present. A new and progressive model of treatment called Active Release Technique (ART) focuses on the treatment and correction of the scar tissue. This is accomplished by first pinpointing the scar tissue by hand. Then, carefully orchestrated stretches are done by the practitioner and patient which breaks down and corrects the scar tissue. Once the elasticity and circulation have been restored to the affected tissues, the muscles are more responsive to strengthening programs. This new model of treatment has proven its effectiveness with the athletes of the Denver Broncos and International Olympic teams. The outcomes of treatment are considerably faster and recovery is more complete than with other methods traditionally used.
Hip/Knee Pain?
If you have ever suffered from knee or hip pain, you know how frustrating it can be. Hip and knee pain can be caused by trauma to the area, which causes structural damage, but more commonly are caused by overuse injuries – ie after years of running, tennis, cycling, kayaking, skiing, etc. Ice, heat, medications, rest may help for the short term, but the pain tends to come back. This is generally due to muscle imbalances in the legs and feet – muscles that get so overworked that they become tight and weak and cannot support the knee or the hip. Before these muscles can become strong again, they need to have their soft tissues injuries stretched out.
With ART we can determine which muscles along the kinetic chain of the leg have become tight by manually palpating the muscles of the foot, knee and hip. By combining precise movements with the soft tissues we are able to stretch tissues that could not be stretched otherwise. Most people feel some immediate relief after just the first treatment.